My NeoGcamp Journey

So it all started at the end of November 2021 when I first time heard the name of neoGcamp. I searched about it and came to know that it is a web development Bootcamp. I thought it is just a random Bootcamp just like many others(i don't want to mention them) that were present at that time. Till now I did not know who is Tanay Bhaiya and what he does. After a few weeks, I found him on Twitter, listened to him in one space on Twitter, and I followed him everywhere because I had never seen someone like him who is so kind and so dedicated to teaching students and being a mentor to us.

After a few months, I was feeling low, I was thinking I have not done much in my college, and I don't have anything to show my skills. My confidence was low, I did not know what to do from now, how to proceed in my career, and how to gain my self-esteem back. so I wrote everything in a tweet that was how was i feeling and asked Tanay Bhaiya what I should do now by tagging him. He replied and said that I should build projects continuously and publish them everywhere that will help me to gain confidence. After that, i found out that Tanay Bhaiya himself runs a Bootcamp, teaches there, and has level zero projects on youtube that I can build and get into Level 1 of NeoGcamp. So, that's how it all began and I am glad that I Tanay bhaiya replied and removed the confusion that was going on in my head.

So I started level zero and also joined the NeoG discord server. The NeoG community is the best community that I have ever seen. Every person is so kind, always ready to help each other and give their valuable time. While I was doing a level zero project I got stuck in the first project itself(I was not able to use chalk) then Debashis cleared my doubts. After that, I got stuck in another project(I was not able to get the output because of a bug) then I came to know and meet my friend Samyak Shah on the NeoG discord server. He is a great friend. He is always ready to help others and give back to the community. Whenever I faced any problem he was the first to solve them and if he was not free then he would recommend someone who can help me to solve my problem.

So I worked continuously and built all the projects to level zero. The joy of completing the projects and seeing them live in the web cannot be expressed in words. I enjoyed every moment of building level zero projects. I submitted my portfolio after reviewing from everyone in the discord server and some Neograds and it got approved after a few days.

Now I started preparing for the level 1 interview. This is the most exciting and important part for me. It was exciting because I came to meet so many people, build a friendship with them while I was giving mock interviews, and also learned so many things from them. The first one is Kuldeep Gupta who told me how can I improve my portfolio. He also took my mock interviews and told me how should i approach a problem and in which area I should focus more and improve. I have learned so many things from him, he is such a nice person always ready to help me. Then Harshita Daswani , who also took my mock interviews and told me the areas in which I should focus. She was always there to uplift me whenever my confidence went down and she always came to me and told me the things that can help me in my interview preparation. Just before the interview, she told me to not do anything else and listen to songs and it helped to calm me down before the interview. Samyak was always there to help me to get rid of my nervousness. He always told me "Bhai ho jayaega chill, I know your preparation". This would be not possible without his notion notes. Then I meet Joy(Mr. Momo) and Sanika(Ms. Burger) in a mock interview as they were also preparing for level 1. We did 3.5 Hours long mock interview, solved so many problems, talked about each other, and learnt so many things from each other. After that, we all three were connecting on call and practicing together with each other. I am glad I found them and excited to do Level 1 together as we all three got selected for Level 1. I got so many friends while preparing and taking the mock interview.

Today I got selected for Level 1 of NeoGcamp and I want to thank the Tanay Bhaiya, Tanvi Priya and the whole NeoG community for this. I am not able to express my happiness in words to be a part of this community.